Here to Help You Stay Safe
There’s a great deal of emphasis placed on safety systems, procedures, protocols and practices. But, what makes a safety program successful is the organization’s commitment to safety. This includes management, line supervisors and employees, but make no mistake it starts at the top with ownership and senior management.
Generally there are eight fundamental elements to a safety program:
- Management Leadership
- Accountability, Responsibility and Authority
- Employee Participation
- Hazard Assessment and Control
- Employee Training
- Accident Reporting and Investigation
- Post Injury Loss Management
- Evaluation of the Program's Effectiveness

The success of the safety program is driven from the top and measured at the bottom. Management must establish and integrate the safety culture into the organization’s objectives. Results are measured at the bottom. This typically includes metrics such as the number of workplace injuries, the number of lost days from work and cost of losses.
There are two words that characterize a successful safety program, “demonstrated commitment “. Organizations that achieve their safety goals and objectives tend to have everyone “rowing in the same direction”. The benefits are reduced loss costs, a better competitive position and compliance with regulatory requirements. Committing to safety just makes good business sense.